lifestyle basant panchami 2025 offer delicious malpua to goddess saraswati on the auspicious day know recipe

Basant Panchami 2025: Offer Delicious Malpua To Goddess Saraswati On The Auspicious Day, Know Recipe

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The festival of Basant Panchami holds special significance in Indian culture because on this day Goddess Saraswati is worshipped. This year, Basant Panchami will be celebrated on February 2. On Basant Panchami, to please the Goddess, her favourite prasads are offered, one of them being Malpua. It is not only delicious but it is also very dear to Goddess Saraswati. On this day, when Malpua is made and offered to Goddess Saraswati, it is considered a special way to receive blessings and grace. Le